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I’m still uncertain about these episodes. After reviewing my notes (yes, I know, I’m old-fashioned), I realized there’s a problem with consistency. The episodes lack continuity of quality. I’m constantly weaving between moments that are good, bad, and meh. I’m getting whiplash between them. I kept trying to give this a fair shake, but I’m counting how many episodes are left. (Editor’s Note:  14 dear heart)

 —Edited by TheFNGee

Episode 8

The Good

So let’s dive in, shall we? Let’s get started with the positive moments in this week’s episode. There is a genuine moment of connection between Ace and Sky while Ace comforts Sky. Sky is crying over his feelings of failure. Ace tells Sky that he believes in him – that he is there to support him in his future. It’s a heartfelt, tender moment, and I enjoyed it. So remember that, because I do have some issues with the delivery of the scene in the next section. Also, we have Ace helping Sky sell his mother’s barbecue while she runs an errand. He is inept at this but learns quickly. He’s very proud of himself for helping sell all of the barbecue. It’s a chance for him to show that he is willing to roll his sleeves up and help out when it is someone he cares about. He’s not too rich or too snobby to do the work.

We then have Ace coming over early to eat breakfast with Sky’s family. It’s quickly obvious that he feels at home here now. He loves the warmth of eating together as a family since he’s never had that. Also, I found Ken’s flirting funny. How he eyed Ace like he was a lollipop was mostly meant to annoy his brother. He succeeded. 😁 The next good moment had to be them trying on clothes for Benj’s party – this was so cute. I loved the silly dancing moves and the fashion show. It showcased their growing relationship and let us see different sides of their personality. They let their hair down a bit, and it was funny to watch. You could also see how much more comfortable they were with each other, and it was nice to see Ace loosen up and be silly. The dinner date was romantic. And what followed was steamy.

There were good kisses, and the “NC” scene lived up to the hype. I wasn’t crazy about the choking bit, but that’s just not my cup of tea. They were both committed to showing us these two people couldn’t keep their hands off each other. The chemistry was good. It didn’t feel awkward or forced, so kudos to them. There was a moment, a romantic moment amidst the passion that was perfectly placed. You will know it when you see it.

The Bad

This bit may be picky of me, but in the scene where we have Sky pouring his heart out, we have Ace sitting there looking like he’s waiting for Sky to finish talking so that he can say his lines. I feel the actor is not reacting “in the moment” to what is being said. He’s just counting the moments until his time comes to talk – that interferes with the flow of emotion. It’s like they are both monologuing at each other, not a conversation flowing between two people who are sharing burdens and worries with one another. Ace could have even done a physical moment –  something to react to how his partner in the scene was feeling. The scene would have worked better if there had been more back and forth dialog, along with micro-gestures of comfort. Another issue for me had to be that damn party. I don’t understand why we had to have every rich person go dress up and buy clothes like the sugar mama and sugar daddy they are for their boy toys, whom they brought to the event. Sky didn’t protest at the clothes, and I’m assuming that Jake didn’t either. A college intern and a waiter can’t afford tuxes. Yet when they show us the party, we have people in the most inappropriate clothes. There are people wearing jeans and a jacket. Some women are wearing jeans, and I think I spotted some athletic wear. This party is supposed to be ‘fancy dress’ given by a very rich person.

Why can’t the showrunners dress up their extras appropriately to fit the scene? And then we have Jam. How the hell did he randomly get invited, cause he’s a college intern too, and where was Jelai? I was also confused as to how he could afford the fancy clothes as well. It didn’t mesh well for me. Also, at the party, we have people facing an LED wall with nothing but lights on display, no DJ to be seen and they are dancing facing a wall, not each other. It was so strange. It’s as if the director told them to pretend there was a DJ in that direction and to dance. It felt odd and out of place. Lastly, I had to burst out laughing at how insanely lame the first date was. It looked like we were walking in on a wedding with all the archway of flowers. And the fireworks when the first kiss happened was cheesy. I know it was meant to be sweet, but fireworks, really? So over the top, it took me out of the moment.

The Meh

Finally, the gangster man in the cake office speaks. He’s apparently a chef since that is what Jelai calls him when they are gathering to gossip about Sky’s dismissal. The only contribution he has to the scene is to say something like: we can’t do anything about it, it’s management’s decision. Dear Captain obvious, thank you for your insight. 🙄😁 It’s like they needed someone to say it, so they threw some lines his way. I still think he’s a lump, which is more suited to portraying a gangster than a pastry chef. 🤷‍♀️ Then we have the dad character who is uncertain about what he’s supposed to do in his scenes. He feels like a lost lamb who wandered onto the set and has been plopped down amid a scene without any clue how he got there and what to do.

He blinks a lot and looks bewildered.😁 Maybe that’s his character, but I would like just a little more from him. Also, I’m a bit annoyed at all the crying. I really don’t have a problem with men crying, but every episode feels like someone is in tears. It’s getting on my nerves. It’s overused, and honestly, they aren’t that great at crying. Maybe they could try to express regret and sorry another way? Maybe, and I know this might be a reach, through facial expression, body language, and actual dialog. Sorry for the snark, but I know I’m going to have to sit through more tears each episode.

While I enjoyed the scene where they tried on outfits, the dead-eyed drama queen stylist needs a bit more polish to be believable. Either sell the gay camp or make him the straight man, but please pick one. He did us no favors in that scene. Nor did the setting, which looked like scaffolding and some warehouse with curtains and a couch. It did not have the upscale boutique flair at all. Now we come to the last meh, Jam. What the hell is his purpose in this show? His appearance and lines appear so randomly, like an afterthought. It feels as if the character doesn’t add to the scene. It also doesn’t feel like he’s best friends with Sky. Why was he invited to Benj’s party? And why wouldn’t he have told his best friend about it? Also, when Sky was dead drunk, his best friend should have driven him home instead of handing him off to his boss. So what is his purpose in these scenes? No idea. Maybe before the season is over, we will find out.

Episode 9

Nine episodes into the show and I learn that Sky and Jam are apparently students of Manila International Cooking School. I guess that says a lot. I want more from this show. I keep seeing genuinely enjoyable moments, but the rest overshadows them.

The Good

We have a flashback moment where Sky is still moping around and dumps Moira but gets interrupted by his mom in an outrageous outfit – she’s on her way to Zumba. This scene leads to the first cute moment of this episode, the Zumba class. I laughed at the Zumba lesson with choreography and music. It was so joyful and fun; I wanted to join in. I don’t know if Zumba sponsored it, or if they just needed a break from the drama, but either way, it worked. I have really warmed to the mom. She started off slowly, but she’s grown on me. Another warm moment had to be the cute wake-up scene at Ace’s place the morning after their first night together as lovers. There were no self-recriminations or doubt – there were only happy, playful morning kisses. You don’t see this often in BL. The morning after usually has one partner shy or reluctant. But this shows them being comfortable and happy with the choices they made – it’s nicely done.

The actors have come a long way from the place they started in Episode 1, so kudos to their growth. They are also more comfortable with each other, which is good for showing the growing intimacy between the characters. The shower scene – cute, but a little over the top. The plug for the soap didn’t help either. Sky on his knees talking about Ace’s little friend seemed either risqué or cruel, depending on your viewpoint. It didn’t work for me, but it was over quickly. Skye coming out to his mother, was nicely done. It felt authentic and sincere. I was glad he said he knew from a young age that he had these feelings. Too often in BL, we see the “only gay for you” trope, which delegitimizes properly queer relationships. I assume, even though it’s not explicitly stated, that he is bisexual, since he dated Moira as well.

I love the fact that the mom says there is nothing wrong with love – it’s very supportive. The dad gives them time before he comes into the scene. After Skye leaves, we hear that he heard everything. He behaves like a true husband and father for the first time this season, and I live for the moment they have their arms around each other in love and support. The last good thing about the episode was the loving new couple montage set to the opening song’s piano score. It’s beautifully done. You can’t help but smile when you see them playing with Chuk Chuk. The honeymoon phase is always filled with smiles, laughter, and a growing closeness. It’s lovely to see.

The Bad & The Meh

I’m rolling it into one this time because I can’t distinguish between the two. I don’t understand certain scenes’ purpose and how they are thrown in without any obvious planning or prep work. For example, at the beginning of the episode, they take us back several hours before the first date. And they show us Sky’s professor coming to talk to Ace about his performance. This scene was unnecessary and boring. It served no purpose other than to show you that Skye was on thin ice with his school due to his issues with Ace’s dad. But it did nothing for the actors who were stiff and wooden the entire time. And does Jam not have a last name? The instructor talks about Skye Mercado and Jam. They should have at least given the poor boy a last name, right? But I guess it’s like the rest of him, an afterthought and forgettable, And why the hell was Ace behind the desk wearing socks and what I consider shower shoes? How is that professional at all? Did y’all notice that?

Then we have the scene at the university. People are lining up in the lobby of the building to hand in paperwork? Does the dean or professor not have an office? I felt very confused about watching this. And Moira crying after Sky is mean to her. Seriously, she doesn’t care at all about him, and I’m supposed to care that he made her character cry because they played sad music? Talk about overly dramatic acting. 🙄 The meh for me had to be when Skye and Ace are having dinner together, and Ace shyly asks Skye if he’s the first. To which Skye replied, Partner? No, but you are my first boyfriend. I love his line, “Love has no gender.” Then we find out that Ace is pretty much a demisexual. A demisexual is someone who develops romantic feelings first, and with that comes physical attraction. He’d never had any partner before Skye. Personally, I wonder how he knew how to do all that, but the internet is a glorious tool. 😁 However, these heartfelt moments’ conversation felt as if they were ticking boxes in the script. I didn’t feel the connection was there.

Which leads to the final dumpster fire that is part four. I don’t understand this damn show. We had some good moments. Then they ruined it all by bringing up snot, poop, and farts. Are you 12? Is your audience a bunch of prepubescent boys? If the answer is yes, then feel free to include them. If the answer is no, who the hell thinks it’s funny at all? Nobody but the writer, that’s who. What a waste. Then we have Moira and her friend bumping Ms. Becky on the head in their foiled dognapping attempt (I don’t understand, so I can only shake my head at that). It looks like something out of an old sitcom, but that’s giving old sitcoms a bad reputation. Then when we have Ace rushing to pick Ms. Becky up off the floor, they put dramatic music on, and he looks so worried. She was bopped on the head by this weak ass girl, fell, and I’m supposed to worry? 🤣🤣🤣 I’m sorry, I can’t help it. So all in all, I’d say these episodes were pretty messy. Some genuinely good moments, but overshadowed and outweighed by the bad and the meh. Please tell me your thoughts. Agree? Am I missing something? Thanks again for sticking with me…..😁💕 Jen

Rating: 2.5 out of 5 stars for Both. [See our Review Guide]


Author jenhg

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Join the discussion 12 Comments

  • jenhg says:

    @BLHaven I know what you mean. I feel as if I am trying to be fair to a series that just doesn’t click for me. With as much as they spent on this show, it had the potential to be a big hit. The direction seems all over the place, and while the acting has kicked up in quality, its nowhere consistent enough for me. There are complete scenes that could have and maybe should have been edited out to make the story flow more smoothly. Four more episodes and we will see where we end up. From this weeks episode it felt like a series finale but I guess we have four more weeks to fill, so who knows what they will fill it with.

    • Jen,
      Episode 10 did feel like a finale, especially as relates to Chukchuk.

      I do have a question for you: Above, you stated:
      “With as much as they spent on this show, it had the potential to be a big hit.”

      According to Youtube, My Day ep 8 has over 1.25Million views. Wouldn’t you consider that a big hit?

      In almost all of the BL I have ever seen, whether Thai, Pinoy, or other, there are many scenes that could/should her been edited out to improve the story flow. Some of these I have written off as poorly translated subtitles.

      • jenhg says:

        Hi Gene,
        Thanks for your comment.
        Episode 10 should have been the finale. At least for me.

        In regards to my statement above, I know their budget was much higher than other Pinoy shows which were/are airing at the same time. For episode 10, lets look at the view count of My Day at 500,000 and let’s look at two other series. Gameboys had a little over 1 million views for episode 10. And Hello Stranger had the same amount. When you look at the the budget for Gameboys their budget was quite a bit less. My Day episode 8 part 4 was the NC episode, so I think that’s why it had more views. If you look at the statistics of other episodes they range form 500,000 to 800,000. Gameboys is 870,000 and higher per episode as is Hello Stranger. I say all that because if they went just by budgets, My Day should have more views than either of those two shows if they had put their money in the right place. Again, it’s subjective. I wish they would have spent more on acting coaches, scriptwriters and editors.

        And yes, there are always superfluous scenes in shows. There are too many in My Day. It’s filler that doesn’t need to be there, and almost every episode has at least one of those kinds of scenes. I wish they had tightened the script more, especially during the editing process, they could have cut scenes and referenced actions that had happened via dialog. Just my two cents.

        Can’t wait to hear your thoughts on episode 10. It should be out soon.

        🤗💕 – Jen

  • Jowan says:

    I think i have resigned myself to the fact that this series is not going to improve much or any with the acting or the meh stuff. So am taking everything at face value. Pick what i find exciting every episode and thank the bl gods for throwing something my way. I find it more interesting and fun when it watch with no expectation. I get to enjoy every scene and character including those that don’t do anything.

    That said, I am happy to inform you that aside from Ken, i now have Benji as my faves. Benji is royal!
    Whoever thought to add that rooftop zumba deserves dinner and a raise. Am not gonna lie, I danced and did their routine a couple of times. I also enjoyed Ace’s Piano moment. The theme song sounds even livelier with the piano. Surprisingly I find them slipping in the corny/dirty jokes at unexpected times funny as long as it’s not Jelai who says it. It’s also something i have come to relate Sky and Ace with. So refreshing and easy going. Nobody has time for a sulking partner or a shy one who has to be cajoled into saying/acting playful or being anything but pouty, moody tsundere.

    Another great thing was the pace at how things moved after Sky and Ace got together. In fact i scoffed at that let’s take it slow talk. It’s just not who i pictured them as. Well not that slow. So them moving from dinner to bed was on brand. Oh, i also enjoy the fact that Sky uses his boyfriend’s aesthetic to make a quick sale when they take over for his mum. I wonder if Ace knows he does that deliberately, you know, let him take over the grill as Sky funs and fusses over him while the rest of us fawn. I also like that he stares at him like he is food. Well he is.

    The lacking bits.

    Ace comforting Sky. It didn’t deliver the emotion that it deserved. I liked that Ace let him talk without interference. But he might as well just talked and them cut to the next scene for me.

    The dad/Ace confrontation. That man should have sent an email and save me the pain.
    I can’t stop laughing at you complaining about the crying. Please let them, at least someone is compensating for the meh parts. The bad parts must be a collective burden for us. We criticize, they cry.

    Sky’s lecturer should have also sent an email.

    The audacity of them to throw that over used PR thing they tell people at interviews to avoid conversations ” Love has no gender”. I think they should have kept that part for the press.
    Frankly, Jam is just confused and doesn’t quite know what is happening yet or he is yet to catch up.

    Mean, bitchy Moira is fragile Moira? Tears and all? And am torn about the dognapping. Only a bitch would do that but it’s also very childish but again very “My Day” because this is suppose to be light comedy without the heavy stuff i believe.


    • jenhg says:

      Hi sweetie! I wish I could throw it all away and just take it at face value, lol. It would make it more enjoyable for sure. Glad you enjoyed the Zumba lesson too. I couldn’t stop smiling when watching it.

      The pacing in their relationship is good now that they’ve decided to pursue each other. I enjoyed Sky using how cute Ace was to make a lot of sales for his mom too. It’s cute.

      As for Ace comforting Skye, i wanted the scene to be more dynamic, like gestures of comfort, etc. while Sky was pouring his heart out. He tried, but it seemed to be that he was waiting for his cue to begin speaking.

      Hehehehe……we criticize, they cry……that sums it up perfectly. I just want them to stop with the tears. Can’t wait to share this weeks episode with you. And find out what you think too. Of course there were more tears. 🙄😁. The love has no gender was a good way for them to avoid the question of either character’s sexuality, right?

      Jam, what to say about Jam other than he is there. Who knows why, but he’s a warm body to fill the screen with.

      And you are right, Moira is indeed the bitch queen, so i don’t know why they tried to get us to feel sorry for her. And again with the whole poop/fart thing, it’s not funny unless you are a 10 year old… least in my opinion. My review of this weeks episode should be up today or tomorrow. Thanks for sticking with me so far. 😘🤗💕 – Jen

  • BLHaven,
    Everyone brings their own biases to determine what they like or find objectionable. The fact that you wrote “Two Beginnings And A Teaser That Made Me Senseless | The Pinoy BL Revolution”, an over 1700 word article that made no mention of “My Day” says it all.

  • As an illustration of our differing perspectives on this series, about the first kiss scene, you wrote:
    “I really did burst out laughing at the fireworks.”

    I was so invested in the series that when the kiss finally happened (in the 8th episode) it brought me to tears. And not just once, but upon repeated viewings. This has happened only a couple of times before, the last episode of UWMA comes tp mind.

    There’s just something about Ace that drew me in. I know I am not unique in this regard. I also love Chukchuk.

    I have to agree Sky’s brother Ken’s character is poorly written and terribly acted.

  • Daring to Dream says:

    I’m here to vote for the 2.5/5 lol! Too sloppy, uneven acting- the writing ugh. An acting bad point was Sky/Ace jealousy- unable to do it acting-wise. I think Sky’s mom is delivering (by far) the best performance in the series.
    I differ on thinking Sky’s brother flirting was “cute”- to me it was awkward and similar to what has gone on before. Another character in search of motivation/storyline. Oh that reminds me, poor poor Jam.
    I loved the silly scenes of Zumba class and Sky trying on the outfits. I did enjoy the first date because it was so over the top- then the fireworks going off were what I think the series is going for- a Disney cartoon. And the sex scene was kaboom- I again laughed as Ace said “I can be patient” or some such and five minutes later they went from chaste to a sex scene that is up there with TharnType and WhyRU!!!
    I still enjoy the episodes- the good moments have a sense of joy and fun.
    But I have to say- Ingredients is a 10 minute commercial for the Tops grocery chain- and the acting/directions is just leagues above this with a much smaller budget.

    • jenhg says:

      I have to agree the jealousy was overacted and too dramatic, but drunk people don’t make sense sometimes, so I was willing to forgive it that. I’m glad you liked Sky’s mom. She has grown on me and is now one of my favorite characters. She is genuine in a way I find most of the cast isn’t. By that I mean she seems like a real person, not a character from a novel or show. Sky’s brother is underutilized here. I think that he could add more to the story than filler and product placement. And you are right about the Disney over the top romantic gestures. I usually enjoy them, but I think I’m less invested in these characters so it’s hard for me buy into it.

      Haven’t watched Ingredients yet, but I think I will after your comment. 😁. Thanks again for sticking with me. 💕- Jen

  • Jen,
    Thank you so much for your critical analysis of My Day episodes 8 and 9. Given the strong opinions this series has elicited, and since you did ask if your readers agree, I am going to give you an extended answer of both yes and no, as elucidated below. Some of the scenes that bothered you either I liked or did not bother me much, if at all, and some you liked I found did not further the story and in my opinion, would have been better left out.

    “There is a genuine moment of connection between Ace and Sky while Ace comforts Sky. Sky is crying over his feelings of failure. Ace tells Sky that he believes in him – that he is there to support him in his future. It’s a heartfelt, tender moment, and I enjoyed it.”
    I completely agree here. This nicely realized scene moved Sky and Ace’s relationship to another level of connection.

    “The next good moment had to be them trying on clothes for Benj’s party – this was so cute. I loved the silly dancing moves and the fashion show. It showcased their growing relationship and let us see different sides of their personality. They let their hair down a bit, and it was funny to watch. You could also see how much more comfortable they were with each other, and it was nice to see Ace loosen up and be silly.” I agree with you here. The pre-party fashion show was very entertaining, and nicely illustrated their growing closeness.

    “The dinner date was romantic. And what followed was steamy. There were good kisses, and the “NC” scene lived up to the hype. I wasn’t crazy about the choking bit, but that’s just not my cup of tea. They were both committed to showing us these two people couldn’t keep their hands off each other. The chemistry was good. It didn’t feel awkward or forced, so kudos to them. There was a moment, a romantic moment amidst the passion that was perfectly placed. You will know it when you see it. ….I had to burst out laughing at how insanely lame the first date was. It looked like we were walking in on a wedding with all the archway of flowers. And the fireworks when the first kiss happened was cheesy. I know it was meant to be sweet, but fireworks, really? So over the top, it took me out of the moment.”
    I have to take issue with a few of these statements. First, and most importantly, in my estimation, the dinner date and first kiss were very well done. Aki’s acting was amazing (Miko’s was less convincing). I LOVED the fireworks, the music, the rooftop backdrop, the whole scene was unlike anything I have ever seen before in a BL (and I’m not talking about the “NC” scene here).

    Also, what people wore to Benj’s birthday party did not really interest me one way or another. Similarly, while I like the character of Sky’s mom, the Zumba class seemed to me to be filler and would have been better left out.

    I agree with you we could have done without the farting scenes with Ms. Becky. It was not funny.

    “Skye coming out to his mother, was nicely done. It felt authentic and sincere. I was glad he said he knew from a young age that he had these feelings. Too often in BL, we see the “only gay for you” trope, which delegitimizes properly queer relationships. I assume, even though it’s not explicitly stated, that he is bisexual, since he dated Moira as well.”
    I agree with you here, the coming out scene unfolded in a mature and authentic way that left the audience with a very positive impression of Sky’s mother.

    All in all, I rate episode 8 5 out of 5 stars. The rooftop first kiss scene is unforgettable.

    • jenhg says:

      Hey Gene. Thanks so much for writing me such a well thought out response. I feel like I owe you an apology and the show a bit more than I’ve been giving it. I tend to make detailed notes when I watch the episode. Once all the notes are compiled, I write my review based off of those notes. With your response I may decide to give My Day the two episode treatment. I feel that I didn’t step far enough back to view the episode in it’s entirety. I was writing my review as one piece at a time, one quarter at a time. The bigger picture is needed, so I will watch this weeks episode twice, and see if my review is a bit more balanced next week.

      As for the romantic first date, you are right. It was a romantic gesture, very sweetly done. The arch way of flowers was romantic and the fireworks were the grand gesture of feelings. I don’t know why, but I really did burst out laughing at the fireworks. It was unexpected, and yes, it was cheesy, but i think had I seen this from any couple I would have done an eye roll. Not because I’m not a romantic at heart, because I am the ultimate romantic at heart, but at the cliche of “when we kiss the earth shook and fireworks matched the tempo of our feelings.” So for me, the acting was great, the sincerity was there, the gestures were loving. So the scene deserve more from me.

      As to Benj’s birthday party, this is one instance where having insider information, or such, clouded my judgement about the scene. I know that the budget for this show was extremely high. So when I compare that setting and the scene, I was hoping to see more of an accurate representation of a glitzy glamorous party scene at the club. Not to compare apples to oranges, but the WhyRU party scene with Hwa, looked like a party in a club. And given how much money they had on budget I expected more, so that got in my way of immersing myself in the sloppy scene. Because it was a mess of a scene. There were too many unanswered questions, just to show a jealous Skye.

      As to the Zumba, I think they want to include musical numbers in this show. Remember Ms. Becky dancing to the piano music. I think they have excellent musical scores with a full orchestra so I believe they wanted to showcase their music in these episodes. So the Zumba was a way to give us a song and dance as part of the show.

      Glad you agree about Ms, Becky…stop taking me out of the moment with crude humor. It’s childish and a waste of the actors time and screen time. No one enjoys it.

      Glad you agree about the coming out scene. I was very impressed with how well they managed it, It had the right tone, the acting was perfect and I got emotional and teary eyed over it.

      Due to this reexamination of these scenes I will actually boost my rating up for this to:

      New Rating: 3.5/5

      Thanks again for everything. Look forward to tomorrow’s episode. 💕🤗 – Jen

      • BLHaven says:

        Personally, I would give it a 2. Series episodes should gel and complement each of the previous ones and the story should add depth as the series nears its finale. I am not saying any other ratings or perceptions are not valid, but this is precisely why I dont do reviews, specifically that of My Day. The actors are getting better, they have promise and are clearly trying to better themselves in the craft; but what could actors do when the script is poorly written in the first place, and not to say the least, the direction is all over the place. Its a smorgasbord of clothes taken off designer mannequins, superbly done cinematography but with almost caricaturish depictions of stereotypes. But then again, that is my opinion. <3

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